For assistance with undergraduate programs, reach out to Lynn Wyrick at [email protected].

For assistance with graduate programs, reach out to Kate Humphries at [email protected].

Program changes must be made in CIM and go through the curriculum review process. Changes to major degree programs often require approval from the UNC System and SACSCOC whereas changes to concentrations, minors, and certificates typically do not. Please see below for information about common program changes.

One of the most common changes to a program’s mode of delivery is adding online delivery. You can learn more about this process at the Adding Online Delivery to Programs webpage.

Adding off-campus delivery (at an approved off-campus site) follows a similar process and also requires completion of the following forms

If the major degree program is already approved for online delivery and you need to add a new mode of delivery, you can use the Mode of Delivery for Concentrations and Certificates form.

If you are considering requesting to deliver a major degree program at an off-campus site that has not yet been approved, please be sure to reach out to Lynn, Kate, or Jodi Pettazzoni. New off-campus sites require a prospectus to be submitted to SACSCOC for approval.

If you will be making a credit hour change of 25% or more, please be sure to complete a substantive change checklist and email it to Kate Humphries at [email protected]. Credit hour changes of 25% or more may require approval from SACSCOC.

Changing the CIP code for a major degree program requires approval from the UNC System. In addition, if the CIP is being changed from non-STEM to STEM, a special form must be completed and submitted to the UNC System.

Please note that the UNC System utilizes a specific list of STEM CIP codes that differs from the list used by the Department of Homeland Security. Please see below for the list of UNC System STEM CIP codes:

  • 01 Agriculture
  • 03 Natural Resources
  • 11 Computer Science
  • 14 Engineering
  • 15 Engineering Technology
  • 26 Biology
  • 27 Mathematics
  • 29 Military Technology
  • 40 Physical Sciences
  • 51 Health Professions
  • 51.38 Nursing

Further UNC System Funding model information can be found in the Performance-Weighted Enrollment Change Funding Model Manual.

Changing the title of a major degree program requires approval from the UNC System. A specific form is not required but a letter with sufficient rationale for the change must be submitted.

Title changes for concentrations, minors, and certificates do not require external authorization.

Changing the degree type of a program requires approval from the UNC System. A specific form is not required but a letter with sufficient rationale for the change must be submitted.

One of the most common program revisions is changing the program requirements (deleting courses, adding courses, reorganizing courses, etc.) Program requirements can be changed in CIM and do not require external authorization. Other changes that go through the curriculum review process at UNCG but do not require external authorization include:

  • changes to admission requirements
  • changes to GPA requirements
  • changes to progression
  • changes to SLOs

program discontinuations

Discontinuing a major degree program requires to complete the Request to Discontinue a Degree Program, Site, or Delivery Mode form, which requires approval by the UNC System. The form allows you to indicate whether the program will be completely discontinued or whether only a mode of delivery for the program will be discontinued. If you discontinue site-based delivery, you can also indicate if the site is to be completely discontinued. The form also provides the option of consolidating the program in another program (such as a degree program becoming a concentration for a related degree program). Please note that discontinuation requests must also be approved by SACSCOC, which requires a Teach-Out. SACSCOC instructions regarding program closures can be found in the Substantive Change Policy and Procedures.

Discontinuing a concentration or minor requires the Discontinuation of Concentrations, Certificates, and Minors form. No approval is required from the UNC System or SACSCOC but the discontinuation must go through the curriculum review process.

Discontinuing a certificate requires the Discontinuation of Concentrations, Certificates, and Minors form. No approval is required from the UNC System, but SACSCOC does require a Teach-Out. SACSCOC instructions regarding program closures can be found in the Substantive Change Policy and Procedures.

The discontinuation must also go through the curriculum review process as normal.

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