In Fall 2017, UNCG elected to implement the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) and Catalog (CAT) modules of the CourseLeaf system produced by Leepfrog. CIM and CAT replace the existing processes for proposing, reviewing, and approving changes to courses and programs, and the annual production of the University Catalog (formerly the Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins).
CIM enables online submission, editing, tracking, and approval of new and existing courses and programs.
CAT enables the editing and publishing of catalog content to web, mobile, and print (PDF) platforms.
An integrated, web-based system, CourseLeaf’s CIM and CAT modules will significantly enhance UNCG’s curriculum and catalog by providing faculty and staff with more efficient, accurate, and accessible management of the University’s curriculum and catalog.
CIM and CAT User Roles
- CIM Course Authors: a faculty member (tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track) who may create and submit curriculum proposals for courses within their respective departments and academic areas.
- CIM Program Authors: a faculty member (tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track) who may create and submit curriculum proposals for programs within their respective departments and academic areas.
- CIM Approvers: individuals who have the authority to approve course and program proposals in workflow (department, college/school, and university curriculum committees and committee chairs; department heads/chairs; and associate deans).
- CAT Content/Page Owners: the individual in a department, college or school, or other unit who owns the content appearing on their respective page in the University Catalog. This includes Department Heads/Chairs, Deans or Associate Deans, Directors of Graduate Study, Directors of Undergraduate Study, and Program Directors.
- CAT Content/Page Managers: the individual designated by a department, college or school, or other unit with responsibility for making and submitting edits to non-curricular content on their unit’s respective pages in the University Catalog. (This may be the same individual as the content/page owner or a different individual.)