The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) module of the CourseLeaf system provides a new, efficient, and paperless way to create, submit, review, and approve curriculum proposals. With CIM, faculty and staff can easily view and manage courses and programs throughout their lifecycle.

Some of the benefits of using CIM:

  • Curriculum process is online—no more paper forms!
  • Course and program forms are dynamic—proposal authors are only presented with questions that are relevant to the type of proposal they are requesting.
  • Enhanced communication—authors can see where their proposal is at any point in the process through the workflow status.
  • Integrated with CAT—curriculum changes approved in CIM flow into the CAT, the module used to produce and publish the University Catalog.

To request access to the CIM system, you must be logged into your UNCG iSpartan email account. If you are logged in, please click here to proceed with your request.  If you’re not logged in, please log into your UNCG email account first, then return here to continue your request.

Like CIM, CAT is a module of the CourseLeaf system and is used to produce and publish the annual University Catalog. The CAT and CIM modules are integrated, ensuring that course and program information is accurate and current. Non-curricular information in the catalog is edited directly by designated individuals in each department, college, school, or other unit, and is reviewed and approved through a workflow process.

Some of the benefits of using CAT:

  • Web, mobile, and print friendly.
  • Easier to navigate and search.
  • More efficiently updated.
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